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The 2017-2018 school year is my 15th year as an art teacher. I hold a B.F.A. in Visual Arts from Webster University, in St. Louis, Missouri, and a Masters in Education from Wright State University. In addition to teaching art, I also work as a freelance artist, doing portraits, illustrations, and murals. You can view some of my artwork here

As a teacher, an artist, and a parent, I believe that arts education is vital for all kids. Art gives students the opportunity to create, to express themselves, and to shine in areas that may go unnoticed in other classes. In addition, it develops critical thinking and problem solving skills, nonverbal communication skills, challenges students to think "outside the box," and allows students to work at whatever level they can handle. As their teacher, my goal is to give students every opportunity to learn, create, and develop skills that will go far beyond the art classroom.

If you have questions for me about my class, assignments, or anything else, please contact me at

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