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Flipping Stereotypes

About This Book… My Art III and AP Studio Art students at Yellow Springs High School have collaborated to create an interactive art book that challenges stereotypes and raises the question: what is the “average American teenager?”

I am so proud of the hard work and cooperation they have shown as they tackled a project they weren’t quite sure they were capable of. Using a familiar mix-and-match format often found in children’s books, you can flip the heads, torsos, and legs of teen stereotypes to create brand new and complex people.

The Loner, the Athlete, the Immigrant, and seventeen other archetypal characters transform from one-dimensional stereotypes to multifaceted human beings according to the your actions. I challenge you to reflect on your own expectations for these twenty characters when you consider what could be possible for each of them. This interactive experience reminds us that no one is a simple as they appear to be, and we have more in common with one another than we realize.

Check it out HERE!

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