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What the heck is "Art for Theater?"

Dear MMS Parents,

Were you confused when you saw this listing on your child's schedule? You are not alone! Last year, we were very fortunate to have Ms. Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp join our school, adding performing arts classes to our middle school elective offerings. This year's group has grown so large that an additional section was needed! This is a great problem to have, because it means that the program is growing.

As visual arts teacher, I aim to provide students with a unique art experience as it relates to theater. We will focus on costumes, masks, puppets, set design, and other visual elements of performance. I am a true fan of these art forms and I'm excited to have a class dedicated to exploring them.

We will also partner with Ms. Jovan Terrell, our Theater Arts Producer, to help the students explore many aspects of theater production. These experiences should partner well with the work students will be doing in the Performance class with Ms. sparrow-Knapp. Check back often for updates to see what we get up to!

(a few photos of puppets in progress)

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