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Griffins and Dragons and Trolls, oh My!

It’s happening! The Art for Theater students have gone through a rather lengthy process of research and development to design a puppet based on a mythological character. First, they researched creatures from myths, fairy tales, and folk tales across many cultures.

Next, students designed an original character based on this research. They had to draw how the character looks and write about how it moves, thinks, and behaves.

Finally, they have arrived at the fun part! We are currently using cardboard, styrofoam, empty containers, and other junk to build armatures for our puppets’ giant heads. This is really hard work and they deserve a shout out for sure. Great work puppeteers!

We took inspiration for this phase from a variety of sources, including video clips of parades, a behind-the-scenes look at War Horse, and of course the Muppets! If you have 7th Grade Theater Artists in your life, ask them about which videos, myths, and folk tales inspired them the most, and what characters they've designed.

In closing, I’d like to mention once again that we are still in need of cardboard sheets, stryrofoam of any kind, and any lightweight empty plastic containers. Your trash is our treasure!

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